Our most common calls to the emergency line are for floods, and issues around property safety and security. We always have someone available via our 24 hour live attendant answering service, 905.689.7341.
Regular meetings are vital to managing a property effectively. During covid, we’ve adapted to virtual meetings, updated technology and done what we can to include everyone within each community. Virtual meetings have generated some setbacks but also some extra productivity - it’s easier to send that PO off right after talking to our Board, or to call back the owner who rang just before the meeting began.
The AGM is more challenging: it’s an important time allowing for the owners to provide feedback. The AGM is the official opportunity for the Board of Directors to conduct certain business affairs of the Corporation. The minutes of the meetings form a vital part of the Corporation records. A bonus of most virtual platforms is the option to record the meeting, allowing for a full audio/video transcription with every word and thought included. We know the technology isn’t going to work for everyone and are watching the metrics for participation rates.
Condominiums come with a lot of legal framework. We communicate the importance of living within a densely populated community and encourage conversation. Often people move into condominiums without being fully educated on the rules and regulations and on the fine print - the ins and outs of declarations and by-laws, standard units and Section 98 agreements - sounds exciting, right? These are condo-concepts we can guide you through.
We work with the Board and owners for input on immediate areas of attention, and complete on-site inspections in early spring and late autumn with a represenative of the board in preparation for the changing seasons.
We have resources for excellent staff in all areas of condominium maintenance and management, from superintendents to contractors and our own internal team. We are thankful to our great network of our condominum supply and support community.
As part of our job, we analyze the needs of your property and the Corporation’s financial stability to provide the most reasonable upkeep within budget. Paired with snow removal, landscaping is one of the most brought up topics at the Annual General Meeting of Owner’s.
We work with safety and security in mind with contractors who attend your condominium community each of whom must have WSIB and full insurance coverages before they step foot on condominium property.
We monitor the life cycle of your equipment and provide preventative maintenance contracts where applicable. We do our best to obtain the lowest cost possible for all supplies.
Our budgeting process starts early so we can properly review your needs. We review the Board meeting minutes for expenses and ideas discussed throughout the year, and listen to our colleagues in the industry for experiences and developments. We explain the annual budget categories to new Board members, including the importance of contributing to the Corporation’s Reserve Fund each year, and how the amount is assessed as part of the 3-yearly engineering study.
The Property Manager and support team endeavour to help your community directly wherever possible, and will refer to the Board where direction is needed. We carefully file correspondence of all letters either electronic or otherwise sent and received to and from our offices, and provide notices in relation to building events or maintenance.
Minutes are transcribed and provided to the Board to approve as presented or amended. The minutes of your Board meetings are integral to the present and future maintenance and understanding of your property.
We work with brokers to ensure current certification and provide them with all necessary documentation to ensure our buildings carry accurate coverage. We keep alert to trends in the industry and watch deductibles, alerting owners to any changes.
We will endeavour to collect fees owing within the lien allowance period, and will process the required forms if payment is not collected.
Retain basic information on current owners and as much detail as possible as provided by the unit owners themselves on each unit's history.
It's important that all owners are informed about the seasonal changes within their community such as life safety items, changing the batteries in smoke and CO detectors, draining water lines to the outside in the fall to prevent flooding etc.
Energy performance is in the spotlight as buildings look for ways to recoup lost money. Window replacements and LED lighting conversions and water conservation are some of the more common ways of fighting back against energy bills.
We endeavour to make sure that all the printed matter we use are recycled product wherever and whenever possible.
Property Management
Fee Collection
Financial Records
Financial Management
We will advise Boards of Directors with regard to establishing budgets, capital planning and contingency reserve fund requirements. We will assist the Boards in obtaining Reserve Fund Studies every three years for each corporation. From the results of these studies, new budgets will be produced to ensure that sufficient capital is held in reserve for future costs. Enfield will also advise the Boards on the best methods to manage and invest their capital assets in the Reserve Fund. We will also bring experts in the investment field to advise boards on the best way to manage their investment portfolio as required from time to time.